As we all know, life is busy. Work, school, kids' activities, volunteering, appointments, meetings, and family commitments are just a handful of things that keep us busy - and sometimes all in the same day! That's why a Family Camp is so wonderful. It provides us with a special, set aside time to recharge, refresh, and reconnect with the people that matter most. Whether you can only pop out as a day-tripper or are able to come and stay for the whole camp, you will experience a break from the day to day business of life. From a peaceful walk in the quiet of the early morning to enjoying the gorgeous sunset over the lake in the evening, a day a Kedleston can be just what you need.
Each day is scheduled to provide refreshment for your spirit, soul, and body. Delicious meals are provided where everyone eats together in our dining hall. Services are held in the morning with kids and teens having their own sessions, and again in the evening where everyone comes together to worship and receive from the speakers that bring God's word. The afternoons can be whatever you need them to be - fun and action-packed or slow and relaxing. Activities are scheduled and supervision is provided so that everyone, young and old, can enjoy any kind of day they want. Evenings bring times for fellowship around campfires or in the dining hall for mug-up. Youth can keep the fun going with supervised night games and activities (don't worry mom and dad - there is a curfew!)
Gratis is also a part of Family Camp. Having campers participate in some of the jobs that need doing throughout the day (primarily in the kitchen and dining hall) not only helps keep registration costs down but also gives families the opportunity to learn to serve together. Great conversations are often had and friendships developed while drying dishes or clearing tables at camp!
So, whether you're single, married, big family or small, plan on coming and spending some time at a Family Camp - it might just be exactly what you need to gain strength and encouragement for your life!
Note: subject to change
4:00 PM Registration
5:00 PM Supper
7:00 PM Service — Big Tab & Mug Up
9:45 PM Youth Activity
11 :00 PM In Cabin / Quiet Time
8:00 AM Breakfast
10: 00 AM Morning Service — Big Tab
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 - 4:30 PM Beach / Boating / Canteen
2:00 - 4:00 PM Jacob's Ladder, Skills, Crafts
3:30 PM Family Activities
5:00 PM Supper
5:30 - 6:50 PM Jacob's Ladder
7:00 PM Service — Big Tab & Mug Up
9:45 PM Youth Activities
11:00 In Cabins / Quiet Time
8:00 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM Morning Service — Big Tab
12:00 PM Brunch
1:00 PM See you next year! (Campers out of cabins - but you're welcome to enjoy the beach for the afternoon.)
Family Camps have been a foundational aspect of the history of Kedleston Gospel Camp. We have found that our 1st and 2nd Family Camps have filled very quickly when registration opens so we are very excited to open up a "new" 3rd Family Camp as a way to give even more families more opportunities to experience God surrounded by their family and their friends - both new and old!
This 3rd Family Camp is a little bit smaller and a little bit shorter than 1st and 2nd Family Camps but we are confident that it will be just as rich of an experience. Placed at the end of the summer, this camp is a chance for families and friends to reconnect and share their summer stories and to have hearts and minds and relationships refreshed by the Lord as we all head into the rhythm of the fall.
So, if you make it a habit to call your friends to coordinate plans for Family Camp, don't forget to include 3rd Family as one of your options!
If you have preschool or grade school-aged children, this long weekend camp is for you! At FAC you will participate in activities and services as a family unit. From sun-up to sun-down, the fun doesn't stop. What a great way to kick off summer with your kids! Part of the vision for this camp is to carve out a time for your family to spend together in worship, discipleship, fun activities, and to do these things alongside other wonderful families on the same adventure.
Homeschool Family Camp was created as an opportunity for families to gather at the start of the school year and be encouraged in their efforts in home-based education. This is a fun, low-key camp providing an opportunity to encounter God, connect with other homeschool families, interact, learn, grow, and to just have some fun together as individual families and as a larger group.
Similar to our other family camps, families are placed in cabins as family units. Each day there are educational and inspirational chapel and teaching sessions and we also have organized group activity/game times as well as designated family time. Kids of all ages, parents, and even grandparents come and multiply the joys (and divide the difficulties) of schooling at home - all while meeting more families, creating relationships, and being encouraged.